Insurance for Liability towards Third Persons

What is Insurance for Liability towards Third Persons?

Insurance for liability towards third persons is an insurance product that assures people's liability for compensation that may occur to them due to any material and moral damage to themselves or that they may cause to third parties.

What is the Coverage regarding the Insurance for Liability towards Third Persons?

Compensation claims that will arise in the event that the person or his/her employees cause injury or death to third parties as a result of an accident are covered by the policy within the scope of insurance for liability towards third persons.

What are the Situations Excluded from the Coverage?

The insurance for liability towards third persons does not cover claims for the following losses and damages.

  • Claims for damages and losses that were intentionally or knowingly made.

  • Claims arising from the subsidiary, including vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, bobsleigh, marine engines, horses, boxing and wrestling, racing and competitions, trainings.

  • Claims for damages and losses arising from confiscations.

How to Get Insurance for Liability towards Third Persons?

You can get your insurance offer, regarding the liability towards third persons, in a short time by visiting our insurance offer page, regarding the liability towards third persons, within the scope of Duzenli Sigorta. Get the most suitable insurance offer, regarding the liability towards third persons, for you by filling out your required information.