Agriculture Insurance

State-Sponsored Agriculture Insurance (TARSIM) is always next to our farmers in order to support the producers in the agricultural sector, which gives life to the economy, to secure the risks that may occur in their livelihoods and to compensate for the possible losses they may encounter during their agricultural production.

What is the Agriculture Insurance Coverage?

The followings are covered under the State-Sponsored Agriculture Insurance

  • All kinds of herbal products grown in open areas,

  • Products grown in greenhouse systems, glass-plastic cover, technical equipment and greenhouse construction, as well as high tunnels,

  • Cattle dairy or male cattle and small cattle such as sheep and goats,

  • Fishery products grown with modern aquaculture methods in sea and inland waters,

  • Turkey, ostrich, egg and broiler chickens and poultry such as chicks,

  • Active (with bees) and plate bee hives.

TWhat are the Main Conditions of Agriculture Insurance?

The main condition for using state-sponsored agriculture insurance is that the business records related to products, land and animal assets are up-to-date in the relevant registration systems. In order to benefit from the insurance premium support and other agricultural support provided by the Ministry, our farmers must be registered in the registration systems such as CKS (Farmer Registration System), TURKVET, SKS and AKS.

  • Herbal Products and Lands: Farmer Registration System (CKS)

  • Glass or Plastic Greenhouses: Greenhouse Registration System (CCS)

  • Cattle, Small Cattle: Veterinary Information System (TURKVET)

  • Aquaculture: Aquaculture Registration System (SKS)

  • Bees and their Hives: Beekeeping Registration System (AKS)

  • Poultry: Enterprises with a Closed System, biosafety and hygiene measures,

  • A portion of the insurance premium to be paid by the producers is paid to TARSIM on behalf of the insured by the T.R. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, in order to improve agriculture insurances. The amounts of premium support to be provided by the State are determined by the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry every year, in terms of products, risks, regions and business scales.

How to Get Agriculture Insurance?

You can get your agriculture insurance offer in a short time by visiting our agriculture insurance offer page within the scope of Duzenli Sigorta. Get the most suitable agriculture insurance offer for you by filling out your required information.